Multimedia Storyboard

The multimedia storyboard contains information on graphics, video, audio, text, animation, interactivity, etc. Here is a template that you can print and use for your project. Use this one if it suits your needs or make up your own. Below, you will find a checklist to use as you design storyboards.

No matter which storyboard format you use, the following information must be included:
  1. A sketch or drawing of the screen, page, or frame.
  2. Color, placement, and size of graphics, if important.
  3. Actual text, if any, for each screen, page, or frame.*
  4. Color, size, and type of font, if there is text.
  5. Narration, if any.*
  6. Animation, if any.
  7. Video, if any.
  8. Audio, if any.
  9. Audience interaction, if any.
  10. Anything else the production crew needs to know.

    *Narration or text for individual storyboards may be written on a separate sheet of paper, but you must reference the corresponding storyboard number.

Multimedia Storyboard Checklist
    __ There is a storyboard for each page, screen, or frame.

    __ Each storyboard is numbered.

    __ All relevant details(color, graphics, sound, font, interactivity, visuals, etc. are indicated.

    __ All text or narration is included and cross referenced with its corresponding storyboard number.

    __ Each production team member has a copy or easy access to a copy of the storyboards.


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